>>>/co/355419Posts about tabletop games like these shouldn't really be in /co/, but the users there don't seem to mind and the guy's getting some discussion now. Should I delete threads like these? Or maybe I should try to delete them if I catch them before people reply, but leave it once it starts to get some discussion going like that?
A bunch of months ago there were a lot of users in /v/ wanting a tabletop board for war games/pen&paper RPGs/board games/card games/etc. /b/ is pretty much the only place for them at the moment.
I'd leave them. They fit in better in /co/ than in /b/. Besides, we've had some good discussions with them, and I can't say I've ever seen anyone complain about them.
>a tabletop board for war games/pen&paper RPGs/board games/card games/etc.That would be a great board.
we get a lot of such threads on /m/ as well, but ours tend to be filled with blatant trollbait and flamewars.
>>392Sounds like if we were to tell the people who post these things in /m/ that they should instead post in /co/, at least until such time that a tabletop board is made, that would solve a lot of your /m/ problems.
I think a better idea might just be to turn /v/ into a board for all games besides sports.