I'm trying to sign into the Janiteam irc, but i can't seem to get in; would someone be willing to help me out with connecting to the room? Did the password change? i'm using the same auto connect i've always had, and now it says invalid password.
Same. Guessing pw changed again.
Yeah, same problem here.
Bump. Also having the same problem.
Oh good, so i'm not the only one having the issue! :D not that that actually solves the problem, but still
And here's another one. Has it been changed to another Doug reference, or have we moved on to something else now?
passkey: jimjinkinsI thought it would be quailman, but alas, I was wrong. :(
I'm having the same problem. Can anyone help a sistuh out? jimjinkins simply isn't working.
>>1525passkey: porkchopIt's still not quailman. :(
>>1527okay, thanks. i'm back in now. :]
New password: cottoneyejoe
Having issues with cottoneyejoe ...