/b/ - Random
These colors don't run.
...except when it comes to admitting to mistakes. OH NO WE BETER BLAME IT ON SOMEONE ELSE!! I THINK IT"S THE BRITISH FAULT'S!
america: i wanna invade iraqthe world: umm you can't just go doing whatever you want. We have rules here you knowamerica: YES I CAN GODDAMIT I'M SPECIAL! *invades iraq* hmmm crap that didn't work out very well...world: *sigh*
I'll stake worlds on Tex being completely unconnected to "Robert Klien" and having contributed fuck-all to "Iraqi Freedom" (retarded blathering excepted).
America don't just blame the British, they shoot down their helicopters when they aren't looking.
*9/11*hmm well that sucks, hey let's go after saddam for some reason
anything america does is rightanything other countries do is only as right as america says it isarabs are terroristsdon't mess with texas
your pitiful human wars still can't compare to when our great people invaded the Zarbums Homeworld. They were also housing possible zerg rushers
I Come to Zarbums Homeworld! I Smash them! I Rape Zerg rushers! You Love It!
I used to be proud of my country.
I'm proud of America; it's Americans that are bonked