| # | Time | Name | Subject | Comment | Host | |
| 1429 | 11/27 17:44 | AT_DA | | http://www.youtube...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjGL5Di0an0
Youtube video tutorial on how to get Faming Extreme Manager for Farmville (Facebook) For free. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1329 | |
| 1428 | 11/27 09:50 | menchi | | >>1427 I would S...>>1427 I
would STILL like to be able to ban request trolls and non-bot morons
who like to continue to post things like image macros, "nigger this" and
"nigger that," and so forth, without having to wait for someone with a
soul and half a brain to report the idiots. This is the majority of what
I end up deleting, and most of it is by the same idgits, who continue
to repost the shit as soon as it's deleted. it gets old, fast. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1405 | |
| 1427 | 11/26 09:43 | Liska | | >>1426 or, spec...>>1426
specifically, the spam bots are spamming CP all over the place, and I
can't ban request them for posting CP? in s, even worse that hc is gone,
and people are assuming that because the spam keeps popping up, we're
actually sponsoring it? It may not be a problem for you or your board,
but it's a huge issue here. Do you really want half the users running
around thinking that we like the spam, and want to give people viruses? | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1405 | |
| 1426 | 11/26 09:29 | Liska | | >>1425 it was a...>>1425
was a response to the person above me. The frustration with the spam,
you know, that keeps popping up and won't go away? The fact that i can't
ban request people who aren't reported, so all i can do is delete?
and hc is dead now, in case you haven't noticed. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1405 | |
| 1425 | 11/25 22:27 | menchi | | >>1424 misinform...>>1424 misinformation is a reason? a good reason? I really don't see how the paranoia of people who avidly follow a board like /hc/ has anything to do wiith this request. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1405 | |
| 1424 | 11/25 21:51 | Liska | | >>1423 All the ...>>1423
the users in s, and hc when it was still here, thought that the
mods/admins were actually sponsoring the spam. The attitude kinda died
off, but it was a fight for a while. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1405 | |
| 1423 | 11/25 20:40 | menchi | | still waiting for ...still waiting for a good reason we can't ban request a post that hasn't been reported. I'm
starting to see why everyone complains that we're so slow to handle
spam though. We can't ban request anything till someone else bothers to
report it. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1405 | |
| 1422 | 11/24 16:49 | kanria | | Leaving tomorrow t...Leaving tomorrow to stay with family over thanksgiving. I'll be back on the weekend, I think. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1325 | |
| 1421 | 11/23 08:28 | Liska | | Anything with the ...Anything with the following web addresses:
http://wai.im http://shorturl.redirectme.net http://file333.freehosita.com http://alturl.com http://sn.im http://alturl .com (space done on purpose) http://cli.gs http://xyx.shorturl.com/ http://motherless.com
a /s/ user claims to have figured out how to tick off these spammers
(two guys), who were bragging that they had a bot system of over 100,000
bots that were infected and spamming 4chan for them. Take that as you
will, but the spamming stopped for a while after they started responding
to the rebellion thread (not started by me, I came in in the later
half) last night. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1329 | |
| 1420 | 11/22 11:18 | kanria | | " please stop spam..." please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks " | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1329 | |
| 1419 | 11/20 16:59 | kanria | | random CP spam wit...random CP spam with the link in the image, followed by these two comments:
"I'm hooked and I can't stop staring, oh baby..."
"if baby got back, i'm in love "
i guess bots like sir mix a lot? | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1329 | |
| 1418 | 11/18 09:49 | dr. stein | | It's a bot that sh...It's a bot that shows up whenever somebody says "linux", lol. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1416 | |
| 1417 | 11/18 09:04 | menchi | | >>1396 could you...>>1396 could you dcc that script to menchii on #janiteam please? someone?
thanks. I haven't seen Foone around lately. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1377 | |
| 1416 | 11/17 20:59 | menchi | | the following text...the
following text is being spammed throughout /g/ relentlessly, being
posted 3, 5, or more times PER thread.. Its getting really old, really
Can someone set up a word filter on a phrase in thise
copypasta, to prevent these faggots from pasting it over and over with
this same retard image shown every time?
"I'd just like to
interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact,
GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free
component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU
corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full
OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified
version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a
peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today
is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is
basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part
of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you
run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless
by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating
system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating
system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or
GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really
distributions of GNU/Linux." | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1415 | 11/17 20:46 | menchi | | >>1396 ah this w...>>1396 ah this would work I thought I'd tried this, and got an error. I'll try it again some time | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1377 | |
| 1414 | 11/17 20:45 | menchi | | >>1377 it'd also...>>1377 it'd
also be nice to be able to either check-box highlight numerous posts in
the reports list, or in board viewing, to delete multiples at once as a
janitor. It would seriously expedite the process of cleaning up some of
these shitty boards like /hc/ that's 9 out of 10 pages of nothing but
spambots. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1377 | |
| 1413 | 11/17 20:44 | menchi | | >>1410 and when ...>>1410 and
when I use that on a post that hasn't been reported by a user, I get an
error message saying the ban request failed, and "maybe it wasn't a
reported post." | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1405 | |
| 1412 | 11/17 15:13 | kanria | | in a lot of CP thr...in a lot of CP threads on /b/ this link has been passed around quite a bit:
I haven't checked the site myself but i'm willing to bet it's cp. In any case, it's still linkspam | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1329 | |
| 1411 | 11/17 09:12 | kanria | | lately I've been o...lately I've been opening too many tabs care of while taking care of reports, but I noticed a feature for this plugin:
I just figured it'd be a good idea to share this with the rest of /j/
Also I have report links for my primary and secondary boards by using the drop-down menu >>1402 mentioned.
also, the sidebar plugin works for Firefox 3.0-3-5 and Flock 2.0 | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1410 | 11/15 22:34 | ssddr | | >>1409 Whats thi...>>1409 Whats this B button then? This is the alt text it gives. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1409 | 11/15 22:28 | menchi | | >>1407 OP here w...>>1407 OP here when I spoke to moot, he noted that we as janitors never did have the ability to ban request a post that wasn't a reported post. It seems to me that it always worked prior to tha last extension update though. maybe I am incorrectly recalling this, though. I've requested plenty of bans in the past though, on non-reported posts. Apparently this is why the people never got banned! lol | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1405 | |
| 1408 | 11/15 22:19 | l3reak | | >>1407 I always ...>>1407 I
always figured it was because when you BR a post, it immediately
deletes it, and that deletion must occur before it tries to report it
and then it gets all frazzed out. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1405 | |
| 1407 | 11/15 19:59 | magz | | >>1406 I've noti...>>1406 I've
noticed this as well so I assumed that it's just a weird bug where it
says that the post couldn't be reported, but someone with a bit more
knowledge about this saying something would be great. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1405 | |
| 1406 | 11/15 15:27 | AT_DA | | I may be incorrect...I
may be incorrect, but despite the extension kicking back the "Could not
request ban, it may not have been reported" error my ban request number
would still rise by one on the reports page after ban requesting
through the extension. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1405 | |
| 1405 | 11/15 14:46 | menchi | Janitor E... | When a post is rep...When
a post is reported, and I request a ban, after the ban is requested, if
I had sorted the report list by a specific board (viewing only /g/ for
example) the list defaults back to "all" instead of /g/ after the ban is
requested. When deleting posts, the list works fine, and returns me to the board I'd narrowed the search to.
could the extension be modified to allow janitors to request a ban on
non-reported posts? I see a LOT of posts that should get users banned,
in spite of nobody having reported the massive amounts of crap on some
boards, and the janitor extension doesn't even allow us to report a
thread or post if we janitor that board. This lack of ability to request
a ban on any post on a board seriously hinders our ability to do our
jobs. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1404 | 11/13 12:22 | kanria | two more | How are you doing?...How
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| Reply to thread | |
| 1329 | |
| 1403 | 11/13 11:44 | Alex | | >>1402 ah, than...>>1402
ah, thank you! | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1400 | |
| 1402 | 11/13 09:08 | dr. stein | | You can filter by ...You can filter by board in the dropdown menu on the reports page. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1400 | |
| 1401 | 11/13 08:56 | kanria | | yeah, this.yeah, this. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1400 | |
| 1400 | 11/13 05:50 | Alex | New Repor... | Hi there, i would...Hi there,
would like to have the possibility to focus on my specific boards -
work on them first. In the new reportsystem i am welcomed by a pile of
reports for boards i have no background in. | ###.###.###.### | |
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