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49811/29 19:00dinctestnew beta, probably...###.###.###.###
49711/29 07:03TrantezWell, I think it w...###.###.###.###
49611/28 21:14KatsuDepends on suggest...###.###.###.###
49511/28 19:00nuschultz/g/ sugge...are threads asking...###.###.###.###
49411/27 14:30AT_DAI do kind of wonde...###.###.###.###
49311/27 09:04AnonymousThere isn't anythi...###.###.###.###
49211/27 05:33FooneI'm for it too, an...###.###.###.###
49111/27 01:28q_WertyRules for...I've been overlook...###.###.###.###
49011/26 22:09AT_DAI know it's been s...###.###.###.###
48911/26 21:42Dr. SteinI like the idea fo...###.###.###.###
48811/26 17:53AT_DA/rs to put us all ...###.###.###.###
48711/26 16:17ZorpheusRapidshar...People are startin...###.###.###.###
48611/26 13:00MacThere hasn't been ...###.###.###.###
48511/25 01:22moot>>478 For those of...###.###.###.###
48411/23 17:43rokooI'll be in London ...###.###.###.###
48311/23 06:09Teus>>475 interesting....###.###.###.###
48211/23 03:47AT_DAI'll be gone most ...###.###.###.###
48111/23 02:06AT_DAOkay, seems final ...###.###.###.###
48011/22 23:03BachusAs an extra reques...###.###.###.###
47911/22 21:53QuoteReports b...i've been seeing t...###.###.###.###
47811/22 16:24AT_DATalking about it o...###.###.###.###
47711/22 16:14Mac/i/ RulesFirst off, thanks ...###.###.###.###
47611/22 13:51unnesBumping this so we...###.###.###.###
47511/21 11:47RawrThe problem is tha...###.###.###.###
47411/21 04:59Alexand again :(###.###.###.###
47311/20 23:38l3reakI'm on break all w...###.###.###.###
46811/20 19:10tsukatu/r/ Foone licking ...###.###.###.###
46711/20 13:58damageinc>>464 >>463 Yeah, ...###.###.###.###
46611/20 08:32ryukaiser>>465 What if I go...###.###.###.###
46511/20 08:29FooneBack! I'd post a p...###.###.###.###

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