/j/ - Janitor & Moderator Discussion

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105510/06 06:33zephroHay guise. I guess...###.###.###.###
105410/04 09:28kanriai'll be out of tow...###.###.###.###
105309/28 00:42KobraI janitor /x/ too ...###.###.###.###
105209/27 14:16Lanai'll be in germany...###.###.###.###
105109/25 12:50Dhomochev...So how do we deal ...###.###.###.###
105009/18 05:23ZorpheusI don't see why we...###.###.###.###
104909/17 03:18ryukaiserI don't understand...###.###.###.###
104809/16 18:26Dr. Stein/wg/ should just s...###.###.###.###
104709/16 18:13Quoteif /w/ becomes non...###.###.###.###
104609/16 17:47Tsukatunon-works...People keep bitchi...###.###.###.###
104508/27 03:22ZorpheusI'm moving to a ne...###.###.###.###
104408/23 23:31Lanamoving tomorrow, s...###.###.###.###
104308/21 20:41KobraMoving today, won'...###.###.###.###
104208/20 12:55l3reakAlso moving into a...###.###.###.###
104108/17 00:41dis.astra...Moving back to uni...###.###.###.###
104008/16 16:10KasaiI'll be in Florida...###.###.###.###
103908/16 11:42NiGHTSI'll be at Anime-E...###.###.###.###
103808/11 21:44tripondeletion should be...###.###.###.###
103708/11 21:41SSDDRLoli Issu...Since lucky star h...###.###.###.###
103608/11 19:26FooneGonna be mostly go...###.###.###.###
103508/11 03:49SSDDRI think the fact i...###.###.###.###
103408/10 10:48Dhomochev...I usually leave it...###.###.###.###
103308/09 23:08AT_DAMeh, just delete i...###.###.###.###
103208/09 22:10ZorpheusYuri in /...I generally leave ...###.###.###.###
103108/08 12:31triponI was wondering wh...###.###.###.###
103008/08 09:14ZephroJust escalate it a...###.###.###.###
102908/08 09:11Trantez>>885 I'd like to ...###.###.###.###
102808/05 23:09Quote>>1025 >>The board...###.###.###.###
102708/05 11:07AT_DAAh okay, didn't kn...###.###.###.###
102608/05 02:42codapage 4 and 5 are s...###.###.###.###

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