| # | Time | Name | Subject | Comment | Host | |
| 1088 | 01/03 07:14 | Shisutaab... | | I've had no intern...I've
had no internet at home for the better part of TWO MONTHS because of
the sad state of DSL where I live. I still don't have it back, but I do
have delicious Stolen Wifi, so I shall be on regularly once more. Never fear, /v/ and /cgl/! At any rate, I forgot the IRC server :( Someone wanna fill me in plz? | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1085 | 12/24 12:36 | kami | | i'm leaving on the...i'm leaving on the 26th and returning on the 2nd. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1084 | 12/22 04:33 | AT_DA | | Also, to reiterate...Also, to reiterate, I'm leaving in 30 minutes and won't be able to jan properly til weds night. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1083 | |
| 1083 | 12/22 04:30 | AT_DA | /d/ vs /b/ | I'm seriously tire...I'm
seriously tired of this shit, is there ANYTHING we can do to stop
morons from continuously posting shit in /d/. I don't browse /b/ so I
have no idea if they're provoked or not. Even if it were, /d/'s
"attacks" on /b/ is like pissing in an ocean of piss, whereas /b/ floods
/d/ off in 2 minutes. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1082 | 12/20 04:14 | AT_DA | | I'll be in Vegas f...I'll
be in Vegas from Saturday til xmas. I'll have net access and check in
nights/mornings but only sporadically. Watch /t/ and /d/ for me mid day
please. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 458 | |
| 1081 | 12/18 01:28 | ryukaiser | | >>1080 that's not ...>>1080 that's not part of the extension, so you'd have to bring that up with an administrator.
Most people solve it by opening the reports page in a tab by middle clicking it. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 681 | |
| 1080 | 12/17 19:36 | Liska | | >>1078 seconding ...>>1078
seconding this.
more question; when I click on the reports button to check things out
and clear/delete, etc them, there isn't a link to go back to the board I
was in. Is it possible to add in something like that, so i don't have
to go back through the homepage? | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1079 | 12/11 11:53 | l3reak | | >>1078 That would ...>>1078 That would be very helpful. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1078 | 12/10 20:33 | ryukaiser | | >>1075 would it be...>>1075 would
it be possible to add a "this IP has been already been ban requested X
times" to the ban request feature of the extension, or would that be too
difficult? | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 681 | |
| 1077 | 12/10 18:09 | SSDDR | | >>1075 I just trie...>>1075 I
just tried playing with the new version, and it seems like my noscript
plugin is cocking up the deletion now. I'm allowing anything that shows
up, but unless I allow scripting globably, I get that error. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 681 | |
| 1076 | 12/10 17:07 | Dr. Stein | | I just upgraded, a...I just upgraded, and I still get the same error that >>1071 gets when I try to delete and image or banrequest something. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1075 | 12/10 16:58 | DamageInc | | http://4chan.wrath...http://4chan.wrathfilledhate.net/nojanitormenuhere/4chan_janitor.v###.###.###.###.xpi
* works with new none-frames lay out * very-long-standing bug when following a link to a first post would cause a 404 should be fixed * report button should now work again * report then escalate feature fixed
can't seem to reproduce the delete bug that you seem to be getting. Let
me know if you still get it with this version, and of any other bugs
you see. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 681 | |
| 1074 | 12/07 04:03 | moot | | DamageInc knows ab...DamageInc knows about the issues with the extension. Hopefully he'll whip up a fix ASAP. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 681 | |
| 1073 | 12/06 11:56 | Katsu | | >>1071 Seconded.>>1071 Seconded. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1072 | 12/06 04:32 | SSDDR | | >>1071 err, i mean...>>1071 err, i mean any time i try to delete it with the extension. going into reports and deleting from there works fine. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1071 | 12/06 04:32 | SSDDR | | Tonight im getting...Tonight im getting this any time I try to delete an image. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1070 | 12/02 05:16 | kami | | Hey how come the "...Hey
how come the "Report and then Escalate" feature for the tools doesn't
work anymore? It is a valuable tool for me since I can see whether or
not someone who is posting a bannable image already has a ban request
pending... | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 681 | |
| 1069 | 11/30 02:07 | Kobra | | Seems kind of seve...Seems kind of severe to punish all of Russia just for 1 man. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1068 | |
| 1068 | 11/28 06:26 | zephro | BAN RUSSI... | As in subject, sin...As in subject, since no one answers my requests on the IRC channel, might as well post it here. For the past month, and maybe longer, this faggot has been shitting up /a/ and /v/ every goddamn day. Autobans are no use. All I can do is autosage his threads, since he'll just come back and post AGAIN.
Once again, PLEASE BAN RUSSIA FROM POSTING. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1067 | 11/20 00:38 | l3reak | | I'll be gone until...I'll be gone until monday. Maybe sunday. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 458 | |
| 1066 | 11/16 20:28 | Foone | | Finals week for my...Finals week for my LAST SEMESTER EVER, I've got two major projects and two final exams. So I'll be mostly absent for 2-3 weeks, but I'll try and handle illegal reports from time to time. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 458 | |
| 1064 | 11/06 11:40 | Foone | | I'd delete the one...I'd
delete the ones that aren't obvious /v/ related (like this one), and
any more invady-sounding ones (like "HERE IS HIS ADDRESS/EMAIL/PHONE
NUMBER") you should banrequest. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1063 | |
| 1063 | 11/06 10:27 | mynamejt | All this ... | I haven't been pay...I
haven't been paying too much attention to these threads, but they seem
to be developing an /i/nvasion-like tone. Taking pics of the guy at his
school, plans to steal his "medallion", etc. How should these threads be
treated? | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1062 | 10/11 00:24 | Foone | | The intersection o...The
intersection of birthdays, visiting friends, and tremendous loads of
homework is gonna leave me pretty useless for the next week or two. WATCH /r/ FOR ME, DELETE /y/ FOR ME! | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 458 | |
| 1061 | 10/07 22:58 | SamuraiXm... | Reason fo... | Is there any way t...Is
there any way that we could see the reasons for previous ban requests
on a reported post? There's an obvious difference between the penalties
posting porn in a worksafe board and say, CP or something, and I'm kind
of scared of a guy that posted that stuff only being banned for a day
because of an unrelated offense. Picture unrelated. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1060 | 10/07 20:21 | Quote | | >>1059 it's probab...>>1059 it's probably not a good idea to post that here, you should hop on the irc channel and msg a mod. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 681 | |
| 1059 | 10/07 05:46 | mynamejt | | I've never really ...I've
never really been able to 2-click delete stuff, so I'd like to double
check the general janitor password AGAIN, simply because I've yet to get
it to work.
I also get lots of "type M has no properties" messages. | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 681 | |
| 1058 | 10/06 21:19 | SamuraiXm... | | >>1057 Oh. Well th...>>1057 Oh. Well then! | ###.###.###.### | |
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| 1056 | |
| 1057 | 10/06 21:10 | tripon | | They do get banned...They do get banned, but they ban evade. Well, Ruby Gloom does, and he is an extremely shitty poster. | ###.###.###.### | |
| Reply to thread | |
| 1056 | |
| 1056 | 10/06 21:02 | SamuraiXm... | Kosh and ... | I'm curious about ...I'm
curious about how to deal with these posters. For people not familiar
with /co/, they're two role-playing posters that don't nessecarily break
the rules, but they irritate a lot of the posters. I'd think it would
be a good idea to ban them, but they haven't actually broken any rules. | ###.###.###.### | |
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