- 4archive
- all boards; users request for individual threads to be auto-archived
- 4chanarchive.net
- formerly 4chandata.org; /3/, /a/, /adv/, /an/, /asp/, /cgl/, /ck/, /co/, /diy/, /fa/, /g/, /gd/, /int/, /jp/, /k/, /lit/, /m/, /mlp/, /mu/, /n/, /o/, /out/, /p/, /po/, /sci/, /sp/, /tg/, /toy/, /trv/, /tv/, /vp/, /v/, /vg/, /vr/, /w/, /wsg/, /x/; shitty interface, used to carry images but removed all of them as of 20 November 2014, at which time it also stopped archiving anything
- archive.moe, foolz.us's new home
- /a/, /biz/, /c/, /co/, /diy/, /fit/, /gd/, /h/, /i/, /int/, /jp/, /k/, /m/, /mlp/, /out/, /po/, /q/, /qa/, /r9k/, /s4s/, /sci/, /tg/, /tv/, /u/, /v/, /vg/, /vp/, /vr/, /wsg/; used to carry /sp/ as well (stopped Dec. 2014); picked up /fit/ from imcute.yt (?) after the latter's death
- cliché.net
- /e/; alt: md401.homelinux.net/4chan; went down for a while starting in late 2013, but as of March 2015 is back, albeit with text only; /jp/ archive appears not to be set up
- desustorage
- /mlp/, /qa/
- fgts
- alt: fgts.eu; /asp/, /b/, /cm/, /h/, /hc/, /hm/, /n/, /p/, /qa/, /r/, /s/, /soc/, /y/
- love is over
- /c/, /d/, /e/, /i/, /lgbt/, /t/, /u/, /w/, /wg/; second incarnation, attempted to take over archiving /v/ in 2013 and went under for a while; kept nyafuu's archives while it was in limbo and will be dropping /c/, /e/, /w/, and /wg/ once the latter is fully set up again
- not4plebs
- /sp/
- nyafuu
- /c/, /e/, /w/, /wg/; stopped archiving late August 2014 but is back as of March 2015
- 4plebs
- /adv/, /f/, /hr/, /o/, /pol/, /s4s/, /tg/, /trv/, /tv/, /x/
- rbt
- alt: rbt.asia; /cgl/, /con/, /g/, /mu/, /qa/, /w/; used to archive /soc/ (now under the auspices of fgts)
- suptg
- /tg/; threads manually added
- swfchan
- /f/lashes only
- warosu
- /3/, /biz/, /cgl/, /ck/, /diy/, /fa/, /g/, /ic/, /jp/, /lit/, /sci/, /tg/, /vr/